Saturday, July 11, 2015

Star Wars UCS: 10240 Red Five X-Wing Starfighter

This is my first foray into a Star Wars UCS model and I have to say I am beyond impressed.  10+ years ago I had collected some of the Star Wars sets, but then swore them off to concentrate my limited time and resources on trains and creator sets.  Recently, with the renewed interest in Star Wars with the new movies coming out, I threw caution and self control to the wind and went nuts with Star Wars sets.   The crown jewel of my collection is certainly this gorgeous model of Luke Skywalkers' personal X-wing!

I had seen this set at the Mall of America Lego store while in the Twin Cities waiting to fly to Florida, but foolishly decided to hold off until I got back to pick it up.  Sure enough, when I returned from my trip, they had run out.  So I ordered the set online via even though it was out of stock with a 30 day time frame.  It took the whole 30 days plus some but it was worth the wait!

The ship is massive, but very sturdy.  I have had concerns about various Star Wars ship sets over the years that tended to be very fragile and to noticeably sag when displayed (in particular the UCS B-Wing).  The construction techniques make the model very strong, there is no sagging in the wings at all and there is some serious weight to this model.  The cockpit detail is great, with a well modeled seat, multiple control panels and a detailed control stick and drop down targeting computer (for those that cant use the force).  The spring loaded and geared S-foil mechanism works great and is actuated by turning a "knob" in the rear of the ship that is well disguised as a round hatch.

The stand is simple but functional and R2-D2 scales just fine into this otherwise non-mini-figure scale set.  The stickers for the canopy are a little difficult to apply, but you get an extra set and they look great, certainly enhancing the look of the set.  The detail on the top hull behind the cockpit is excellent as are the engines and even the S-foil wing tip guns.

The set was also an absolute joy to build despite having some repetitive steps (mainly the alternate wing pairs, engines and guns) and most of the construction techniques are enjoyable to execute and behold.  All in all, I have no complaints with this set and highly recommend it to anyone who likes Star Wars sets!  I give this a firm 5/5.

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